JavaScript Cross Browser Layer Show/Hide
30 November -0001
This function allows you to show and hide a layer in both Netscape and Internet Explorer. Use the 'startUp()' function in an onLoad event to avoid haveing to use the 'Start' button.
<script language="javascript"> function startUp(){ ns4 = (document.layers)? true:false msie = (document.all)? true:false if (ns4) {document.layers["showMe"].visibility = "show"; document.layers["showMe"].top = "16"; } if (msie) { = "visible";} } function change(){ if (ns4) { if (document.layers["showMe"].visibility == "show") {document.layers["showMe"].visibility = "hide";} else {document.layers["showMe"].visibility = "show";} } else {if ( == "visible") { = "hidden";} else { = "visible";} } } </script> <div id="showMe" style="font-size:small"><script>document.write("You're using " + navigator.appName.toLowerCase())</script></div> <br><BR> <form> <input type="button" value="Start" onClick="startUp()"> <input type="button" value="Show/Hide" onClick="change()"> </form>